POV Italian Cooking
Point of View (POV) Italian Cooking was created for all who want to learn how to cook, learn new techniques, or just laugh along with me while I cook. All videos are filmed by Scott Mash, a home cook in the greater Columbus, Ohio area, and shared on YouTube for all to enjoy.
Scott Mash refers to himself as a shy, yet, ordinary guy who just wants to help others learn to cook. His family would describe him as a want-to-be comedian, awesome cook, super geek, and grouchy technician. Scott's favorite thing to do, especially on the weekends, is to cook delicious Italian meals for his family. Scott has no culinary training or professional cooking experience. In fact, Scott's professional background is in technology. He has a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science from Ohio University, and a Master's Degree in Leadership and Information Technology from Duquesne University. So, when he's not cooking, Scott is working on a healthcare regulatory IT consulting team for the state-designated HIE in Ohio as the Director of Consulting Operations & HIE Outreach. Boooorrrring!
Scott and his family currently live in the greater Columbus, Ohio area, but he grew up in rural, southern Ohio, where dinner cooked by his mom consisted of some homemade dishes, but, when money was tight, it was macaroni & cheese, canned vegetables, and spam. At a young age, Scott started helping his mom and would frequently cook dinner for the family. After marriage and kids, boxed goods, frozen dinners, and fast food became regular meals, while homemade meals were saved for special occasions like Thanksgiving, Christmas, Easter, and Birthdays.
Scott has always considered himself to be an introvert, but somehow manages to come alive and carefree in front of the camera. How does one suddenly change from cooking processed foods to cooking fresh, homemade meals for all to see? Keep reading to witness Scott's personal testament as to why he loves cooking and how he learned to love the camera.
“My entire life, I never liked Italian food or any type of wine, I wouldn't even go to an Italian restaurant with my wife, who is part Italian. I would jokingly tell my wife that wine smelled like vinegar Easter egg coloring kits. In 2011, my wife wanted to go to a restaurant advertised to be authentic Italian for her birthday, so, I broke down and, reluctantly, took her. I ordered a random "something" from the menu, and couldn't wait to leave the restaurant. When our food arrived, it was evident that my family loved Italian food, and the look on her face told me that my wife missed the food that she grew up eating. After tasting the food, I thought, "Hmmm....not bad, but I think that I can make this taste more authentic; more like the food my wife grew up eating”. I was about to begin a life-changing journey putting my heart and soul into cooking homemade Italian meals for my family. Plus, I actually loved authentic Italian food once I realized that Spaghetti O's and frozen Lasagna are not Italian food!
In no time, I was addicted to The Food Network and The Cooking Channel. One day while surfing the channels, I discovered an amazing cooking show called, "Extra Virgin" hosted by Gabriele Corcos and Debi Mazar. I've watched every episode too many times to count. "Extra Virgin" inspired me to cook from scratch with fresh ingredients, and about Italian wine pairing. I would see an episode of Extra Virgin, and then run to the grocery store, buy the ingredients for the featured dish, and try to replicate the recipe. I was hooked on cooking Italian food, drinking Italian wines, and learning the Italian culture. When I was learning to cook, I struggled to find a resource that covered the techniques that just seemed to come natural for seasoned cooks and chefs. So, in addition to The Food Network and The Cooking Channel, I watched YouTube videos, read magazines, and read an unbelievable number of cookbooks. I also considered culinary school, but this wasn't an option since the bills come due every month. After several months of cooking and practicing techniques, I thought, “Maybe if I film when I cook, I can help others who want to learn more than just a recipe”. That single thought evolved into POV Italian Cooking (Point of View Italian Cooking) and I started a YouTube channel to share my journey, including my experiences, techniques, and screw ups.
I’m not a chef; I’m not a professional cook; I’ve never been to culinary school, and I’ve had no professional training in cooking or kitchen techniques. I’ve read lots of books and watched endless hours of cooking shows. I’m just a regular guy whose mission is to share recipes with experienced cooks and to teach the inexperienced everything I have learned so they, too, can cook mouth-watering, authentic Italian meals, made from scratch with fresh ingredients. Watch my videos to get a simple set of instructions that anyone can follow and you, too, can become an accomplished home cook.
Ciao! For now...