Marriage and a Meal - Book now!
If you’re wanting a very small, private ceremony for a fraction of the cost of eloping, Marriage and a Meal may be for you! It’s far...
Buy the breads that you see in my videos!
I have become addicted to baking bread. Over the last couple years, I've been baking many different types of breads. and have recorded...
Email about videos leads to being featured in Columbus Dispatch
In early February I received an email from an individual who was searching for ideas on which to write an article and found my videos and...
Fig bruschetta recipe that is outstanding!
While running errands my wife and I found ourselves close to Whole Food so we pulled in the parking lot just to see if anything caught...
I finally have a new house with my dream kitchen!
We moved to the greater Columbus area approximately four years ago after living our entire lives in rural southern Ohio. This was a...
Reflecting Back on Christmas Dinner
As I shared in an earlier blog post, I made a traditional Thanksgiving dinner but had a goal to make an Italian-themed Christmas dinner...
Making improvements to videos
Over time I've been trying to make small improvements along the way to our videos. Recently I've made a concerted effort and several...
Trying to Bridge the Gap Between Traditional & Italian Christmas Dinner
For Thanksgiving dinner, I made the traditional American Thanksgiving feast of turkey, ham, stuffing and other sides. While shopping and...
Thinking back to the Columbus Italian Festival
It's been a month since my wife and I attended the Columbus Italian Festival and I'm still burning off the calories from all the food we...
Jungle Jim's International Market is Foodie Nirvana!
My wife had been telling me about a place in Cincinnati called Jungle Jim's International Market. After finally Googling Jungle Jim's we...